Friday, August 17, 2012

bloods v crips

In November we are so screwed. At least thats how I see it since I think neither candidate represents me. I don't understand these people who still support Obama, I look at them the same way I look at people who still supported Bush when he was up for re-election. When Bush spent our money wildly the liberals nearly lost their minds, and conservatives justified it as "you have to spend to make." Now Obama has spent way more than Bush and the conservatives are screaming and pounding their fists and the liberals say nothing. Do you not see???? I look at you all, conservatives and liberals alike, as the same sheep but a different color. You seem to vote for a party not a politican. You can justify anything a candidate in your party does while condemning the candidate in the next party for the same thing. This is why we are screwed, because you are all so caught up with hating the other side to give two shits on what is actually going on in this country! You guys are too caught up with your war on each other to look at history, look at another perspective, to try and find a middle ground so we can all live in harmony! Apparently this yea i will not have a candidate to vote for that wants to unite the country but one that wants to represent one side of the country! Who the hell do I vote for? The guy who has already spent 4 years lying and fucking up, or the guy who wants to represent the utopia of the god-fearing (whichever god, as long as it's not Allah). And the blame game, every administration plays it and it's about time they put on their big girl panties and just deal with it instead of whining about it! We were there, we know what happened last time, but this is about playing the hand you've been dealt, not the complaining about what you would have done with a better hand and blaming the dealer. This is America, this country is built on the backs of strong, smart, innovative people and now we have regressed back to little kids in the sandbox. Shame on all of you for pushing your views with no regard to the other side! Shame on me for getting caught up in this and losing sight on what really matters. We all are in this together, we are all Americans and we need to start acting like it. Go out, meet people unlike you, talk to them, learn from them and realize the only way to freedom is through love and acceptance of each other!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Day two of detox was uneventful, even thought i sampled the cheese and tofu bbq while hunting for lunch at whole foods i did pretty well, went to be hungry but i was too tired to care. Day 3 has been the worst, maybe because i had to be up at 6am to bomb the hell out of my house before having to be at work at 7:30, besides my lunch break i don't get off until 7:30. What ridiculous hours, and to think of how much i made waiting tables to what i make now, i might just cry. I might just want to cry out of hunger. I am just getting sick of eating fruits and veggies. They are yummy, but i want a black bean burger and some freakin' taco's! Tomorrow is banana and milk day. Never did i think i would be so excited about either but it's a change for the palate and i'm planning a smoothie and baking some apples, maybe i bake then with lots of cinnamon and then dip it in yogurt. Let's just say this detox is not for amateurs and unlucky for me i am use to starving myself. I guess what spawned this, besides the obvious weight gain, is getting ready for this year. Lots of trips this fall and i don't have the money to buy a new wardrobe. I also don't want to be the "fat chick" in all the pictures. I am also turning 30 in less than 6 months and i refuse to hate my body at that age. I need to kick it into gear, get healthy, get active and yes, get the gorgeous toned legs i have always wanted! Ok back to my kale and olives and then to the depths of my hell. Oh Lunesta, you have no idea how much i am looking forward to attacking you tonight!

Monday, August 6, 2012

It's warmer in hell so down we go

So after my indulgent anniversary trip to Atlantic City and the shitty eating that comes with moving to a new place i have decided a detox is in order. That and I want to clothes to fit again. I decided to try the 7 day detox a friend of mine used. Today is fruit day. I drank some lemon and water in leu of coffee. This is pretty much how i like lemonade anyways so not too bad. I have been devouring grapefruit and peaches which is lovely and all except of course this is the day i started my period and all i want are blueberry pancakes, chocolate croissants and coffee. I made a commitment to this and i'm bloody well sticking to it. So i'm cooking my version of the "Miracle Soup" since i hate raw onions and bell peppers i'm cooking the life out of the onion and stewing some tomatoes, green beans, carrots and mushroom. Well one of the cans of tomatoes has some bell pepper, maybe that will help. Other than that i'm tired and cranky but i don't think it's the detox, i think it's the rag. Damn you! I'm really not sure why i'm writing this except for to occupy my time so i don't attack an unsuspecting box of cookies! Shit, my onions are burning!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011 does this work?